1. Bells Two Hearted Ale
After a long hiatus of home renovation I think that we are officially back in business here at Brews of Our Lives. I wish that I can say that over the past month I was able to indulge in some amazing beer, but it was nearly impossible. I never made it to a tavern, and the long days of ripping out old flooring and pipes ended each night with whatever I tucked away in the fridge.
I did have a surprise birthday party thrown for me though. A nice theme of bring a delicious six pack. I wish I got to enjoy one of each, but I also wish that I was able to see what everyone brought. All that I remember was that it was the best birthday that I could have had.
But back to the beer. Here are some that I can remember.
Manayunk Brewing Co. California Dreamin IPA
Philadelphia Brewing Co. Fleur de Lehigh
Dark Horse Crooked Tree IPA
Greenbriar Artisan Ales Fear Not the Big Hop (Three Floyds Dreadnaught cloan)
Great Divide Hercules Double IPA
Sly Fox Rt. 113 IPA (finally part of their canning line)
As usual the IPAs were my choice brew style. Each of these (minus Fleur de Lehigh) were so incredibly different. I am not a huge fan of Manayunk Brewing Co., but California Dreamin is quite perfect. It doesn’t taste like an Imperial IPA, and maybe that is where this beer succeeds. It has an amazing hop/malt balance, but probably not on purpose. It pours a delectable hazy orange with an aroma that will make any hophead swoon.
Dark Horse Brewing finally made it to Pennsylvania this past year and lucky for us they have an IPA worth waiting for. Citrusy smooth is all I have to say for these Michigan brewers. Think clementines and hops with a sweet malt backbone and you will find your balance on this crooked tree limb. This also comes in a double.
This week I will attempt to seek out a Three Floyds Dreadnaught and see how The Greenbriar measures up.
Cheers for now. Drink up..summertime is almost here.